E-cigarette exposure augments murine abdominal aortic aneurysm development: role of Chil1.
Joscha MulorzJoshua M SpinPireyatharsheny MulorzMarkus WagenhäuserAlicia DengKarin MatternYae H RheeKensuke ToyamaMatti AdamHubert SchelzigLars MaegdefesselPhilip S TsaoPublished in: Cardiovascular research (2022)
Smoking is one of the most hazardous modifiable risk factors, with clear links to abdominal aortic aneurysm. E-cig vaping has displayed explosive growth in popularity. Intended for smoking cessation, it has been taken up by millions with no such clinical need, delivering nicotine addiction to new generations. The presumption that vaping is safer than tobacco overlooks the potential cardiovascular risks of nicotine. This study shows for the first time that inhaled e-cig nicotine vapor augments experimental AAA and aortic inflammation, suggests a mechanistic role for the cytokine Chil1/CHI3L1 and its regulator microRNA-24, and raises red flags regarding longitudinal e-cig safety.