Evolution of CT findings after anticoagulant treatment for acute pulmonary embolism in patients with and without an ultimate diagnosis of CTEPH.

Natalia J BraamsGudula J A M BoonFrances S de ManJosien van EsPaul L den ExterLucia J M KroftLudo F M BeenenMenno V HuismanEsther J NossentAnco BoonstraAnton Vonk NoordegraafDieuwertje RuigrokFrederikus Albertus KlokHarm Jan BogaardLilian J Meijboom
Published in: The European respiratory journal (2021)
Webs and tapered pulmonary arteries at the time of PE diagnosis strongly indicate a state of chronic PE and should raise awareness for possible CTEPH, particularly in patients with persistent dyspnea after anticoagulant treatment for acute PE.