Multi-disciplinary collaborative consensus guidance statement on the assessment and treatment of postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC) in children and adolescents.
Laura A MaloneAmanda MorrowYuxi ChenDonna CurtisSarah D de FerrantiMonika DesaiTalya K FlemingTherese M GigliaTrevor A HallEllen HenningSneha JadhavAlicia M JohnstonDona Rani C KathirithambyChristina KokorelisCatherine LachenauerLilun LiHenry C LinTran LockeCarol MacArthurMichelle MannSharon A McGrath-MorrowRowena NgLaurie OhlmsSarah RisenS Christy SadreameliSarah L SampselS Kristen Sexson TejtelJulie K SilverTregony SimoneauRasha SroujiSanjeev SwamiSouraya TorbeyMonica Verduzco GutierrezCydni Nicole WilliamsLori Allison ZimmermanLouise Elaine VazPublished in: PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation (2022)