A barcoding-based scat-analysis assessment of Eurasian otter Lutra lutra diet on Kinmen Island.
Nian-Hong Jang-LiawPublished in: Ecology and evolution (2021)
While it is well known that Eurasian otters principally feed on fishes and crustaceans, their detailed diet taxonomies are not fully understood. This is partly due to their nocturnal behavior and the limited resolving power of traditional morphological identification from scat. A suitable, reliable molecular method for diet studies is therefore needed.I performed a series of Sanger-sequencing reactions, utilizing nine primer sets for Eurasian otter diet research. These are mainly based on the barcoding concept to determine the taxonomic composition of spraints. The primer sets target different types of animals, amplifying each separately. This procedure was used to detect the prey contents of 64 spraint samples collected from Kinmen Island. Through high-resolution gel electrophoresis and sequencing, it was evident that PCR products could be successfully amplified by the different primer sets and from spraint samples comprising multiple prey species.Extracted DNA from all spraint samples was PCR-amplified with 9 primer sets. In total, 16 prey types were identified across all 64 samples. Fourteen were identified at the species level.The aim of this study was to develop and apply a novel diet research method to Eurasian otters. Eight of the primers are universal primers designed for COI segments of different animal groups, and one primer set was designed specifically for tilapia groups. This method can be applied to study the diets of not only Kinmen Eurasian otter populations, but also other Eurasian otter populations and other small carnivorous animals.