We present a series of 9 follicular lymphomas that progressed/transformed into classical Hodgkin lymphoma (CHL). Three cases of CHL showed a syncytial pattern (SCHL) making the differential diagnosis to Gray zone lymphoma (GZL) challenging. None of these three cases presented in the mediastinum. Based in all molecular data analyzed (BCL2/BCL6 FISH studies, IgH PCR and TNGS with a customized gene panel) we did find clonal relationship between the BCL2-positive FL cases and their CHL components in all cases. The three SCHL/GZL cases showed an activated phenotype according to Hans algorithm, presented the t(14; 18)(q32; q21), two out of three showed B cell markers and all expressed CD30 and p53. Interestingly, we identified three BCL2-negative FL cases with a further diagnosis of CHL expanding the spectrum of these association. In one of these three cases a different mutational profile was found in both the FL and the CHL components. All this data together suggests that CHL associated to BCL2-positive FL could be originated in a common progenitor cell (CPC) that give rise to both FL and CHL, acquiring this last component further genetic events in a linear fashion. On the other hand, no clonal relationship between CHL and BCL2-negative FL could be found, suggesting a fortuity association. Nevertheless, ample series of cases studied with more sensitive techniques are needed to confirm our hypothesis.