The impacts of Macleaya cordata extract and naringin inclusion in post-weaning piglet diets on performance, nutrient digestibility and intestinal histomorphology.
Farshad Goodarzi BoroojeniKlaus MännerJürgen ZentekPublished in: Archives of animal nutrition (2018)
The current study investigated the impacts of supplementation of post-weaning piglet diets with Macleaya cordata extract (MCE) and naringin (NAR) on performance, nutrient digestibility and intestinal histomorphology. Post-weaning crossbred piglets (28 males and 28 females; age at weaning 25 d) were randomly allotted to 28 pens. The experiment consisted of a control and three treatment groups (MCE60, MCE120 and NAR). For diets MCE60 and MCE120, the control diet was supplemented with 60 and 120 mg Sangrovit® Extra (a standardised premixture of MCE) per kg diet, respectively. Group NAR received 50 mg pure NAR per kg diet. The experiment lasted 42 d (d 25 - 66 of age). At d 66, apparent pre-caecal digestibility (APD) of nutrients was determined and histomorphological changes in mid-jejunum were evaluated. Feeding diets MCE120 and NAR improved body weight gain and feed conversion ratio of piglets. After feeding diets MCE120 and NAR, the APD of phosphorus and different single and total amino acids were greater than after feeding the control diet. The present data demonstrated that supplementation of post-weaning piglet diets with 120 mg MCE or 50 mg NAR per kg diet could improve growth performance and nutrient digestibility and had no impact on histomorphological variables in the jejunum. These findings indicate the potential of these products to be used as growth promoters in pig nutrition.