The weakly nonlinear wave propagation that occurs in the presence of magnetic fields, in which energy is concentrated in a narrow band of wave-numbers in a dispersive and dissipative fluid. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the ( 2 + 1 ) - dimensional elliptic nonlinear Schrodinger equation under the influence of three different fractional operators. The generalized fractional soliton solutions and propagation of magnetohydrodynamics fluid in sort of solition will be visualized. The Conformable, β and M-truncated fractional operator applied to classical evolution Schrodinger equation. In order to get the analytical closed form solution, one of the generalized approach new extended direct algebraic method is utilized. The fractional nonlinear elliptic Schrodinger equation is developed in three different fractional sense. The similarity transformation technique converted the controlling fractional system to ordinary differential equations. The fractional analytical solutions such as, plane solution, mixed hyperbolic solution, periodic and mixed periodic solutions, mixed trigonometric solution, trigonometric solution, shock solution, mixed shock singular solution, mixed singular solution, complex solitary shock solution, singular solution and shock wave solutions are obtained. The graphical 2-D and 3-D representation of the results is shown to express the propagation of fluid with the magnetic field by assuming the appropriate values of the involved parameters. The graphical performance of the obtained solution at various settings of parametric values and fractional order reveals new perspectives and fascinating model phenomena. The attained outcomes have significant applications and have opened up innovative development areas for research across numerous scientific fields.