The Use of NFP When Pregnancy Is Contraindicated?
Justo AznarJulio TudelaPublished in: The Linacre quarterly (2020)
The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has declared the moral liceity of hysterectomy when certain medical criteria are met but does not exclude other options, "for example, recourse to infertile periods or total abstinence." Consequently, there may be couples who prefer to use natural family planning (NFP) methods. We shall refer to these in this article. In general, it can be concluded that NFP methods, if used in the conditions mentioned herein, offer a high degree of reliability, similar to that of artificial contraceptive methods. Accordingly, if pregnancy must be avoided in the medical circumstances to which the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith refers, NFP methods can effectively replace hysterectomy, thereby circumventing the medical difficulties of this practice.