Retrospective study of more than 5 million emergency admissions to hospitals in England: Epidemiology and outcomes for people with dementia.

David ReevesFiona HollandHazel MorbeyMark HannFaraz AhmedLinda DaviesJohn KeadyIracema LeroiSiobhan Reilly
Published in: PloS one (2023)
Over the six-year period, covariate-adjusted hospital LoS, ERA rates and in-hospital mortality rates for PwD were only slightly elevated compared to similar patients without dementia and remaining differences potentially reflect uncontrolled confounding. PwD however, were around twice as likely to die shortly after discharge, the reasons for which require further investigation. Despite being widely used for service evaluation, LoS, ERA and mortality may lack sensitivity to changes in hospital care and support to PwD.