Is exposure to pollen a risk factor for moderate and severe asthma exacerbations?
Isabella Annesi-MaesanoLorenzo CecchiBiagioni BenedettaKian Fan ChungBernard ClotMartine Collaud CoenGennaro D'AmatoAthanasios DamialisJavier Dominguez-OrtegaCarmen GalànStefanie GillesStephen HolgateMohamed Fareed JeebhayStelios KazadzisPapadopoulos G NikolaosSantiago QuirceJoaquin SastreFiona TummonClaudia Traidl-HoffmanJolanta Walusiak-SkorupaPablo Alonso-CoelloCarlos Canelo-AybarYahveth Cantero-FortizDavid RigauJosefina SalazarFrancisca Verdugo-PaivaMarek JutelMübeccel AkdisIoana AgachePublished in: Allergy (2023)
Further research considering effect modifiers of pollen sensitization, hay fever, asthma, air pollution, green spaces and pre-existing medications is urgently warranted to better evaluate the impacts of pollen on asthma exacerbation. Preventive measures in relation to pollen exposure should be integrated in asthma control as pollen increase continues due to climate change.