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Although measuring creatinine to determine kidney function is currently the clinical standard, new markers such as beta-trace protein (BTP) and beta-2-microglobulin (B2M) are being investigated in an effort to measure glomerular filtration rate more accurately. In their recent publication, Inker et al. (Am J Kidney Dis 2015; 67:40-48) explored the use of these two relatively new markers in combination with some commonly available clinical characteristics in a large cohort of adults with chronic kidney disease. Their research led them to develop three formulae using BTP, B2M, and a combination of the two. The combined formula is particularly attractive as it removes all gender bias, which applies to both serum creatinine and cystatin C. Using data from a cohort of 127 pediatric patients from our center, we sought to determine whether these formulae would be equally as effective in children as in adults. Unfortunately, we found that the formulae cannot be applied to the pediatric population.