Rashba Spin Splitting in HgCdTe Quantum Wells with Inverted and Normal Band Structures.

Svetlana V GudinaVladimir N NeverovMikhail R PopovKonstantin V TurutkinSergey M PodgornykhNina G ShelushininaMikhail V YakuninNikolay N MikhailovSergey A Dvoretsky
Published in: Nanomaterials (Basel, Switzerland) (2022)
In quantum wells (QWs) formed in HgCdTe/CdHgTe heterosystems with a variable composition of Cd(Hg), Shubnikov-de-Haas (SdH) oscillations are investigated to characterize the Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling in QWs with both a normal and inverted band structure. Several methods of extracting the Rashba spin-splitting at zero magnetic field and their magnetic field dependences from the beatings of SdH oscillations are used for greater reliability. The large and similar Rashba splitting (25-27 meV) is found for different kinds of spectrum, explained by a significant fraction of the p-type wave functions, in both the E1 subband of the sample with a normal spectrum and the H1 subband for the sample with an inverted one.