Exploring Four Atraphaxis Species: Traditional Medicinal Uses, Phytochemistry, and Pharmacological Activities.
Alima AbilkassymovaAknur TurgumbayevaLazzat SarsenovaKuanysh T TastambekNazym AltynbayGulnar ZiyaevaRavil BlatovGulmira AltynbayevaKuralay BekeshevaGulzhamal AbdievaPerizat UalievaZhanserik ShynykulAssem KalykovaPublished in: Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) (2024)
Atraphaxis is a genus of flowering plants in the family Polygonaceae, with approximately 60 species. Species of Atraphaxis are much-branched woody plants, forming shrubs or shrubby tufts, primarily inhabiting arid zones across the temperate steppe and desert regions of Central Asia, America, and Australia. Atraphaxis species have been used by diverse groups of people all over the world for the treatment of various diseases. However, their biologically active compounds with therapeutic properties have not been investigated well. Studying the biologically active components of Atraphaxis laetevirens , Atraphaxis frutescens , Atraphaxis spinosa L., and Atraphaxis pyrifolia is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it can unveil the therapeutic potential of these plants, aiding in the development of novel medicines or natural remedies for various health conditions. Understanding their bioactive compounds enables scientists to explore their pharmacological properties, potentially leading to the discovery of new drugs or treatments. Additionally, investigating these components contributes to preserving traditional knowledge and validating the historical uses of these plants in ethnomedicine, thus supporting their conservation and sustainable utilization. These herbs have been used as an anti-inflammatory and hypertension remedies since the dawn of time. Moreover, they have been used to treat a variety of gastrointestinal disorders and problems related to skin in traditional Kazakh medicine. Hence, the genus Atraphaxis can be considered as a potential medicinal plant source that is very rich in biologically active compounds that may exhibit great pharmacological properties, such as antioxidant, antibacterial, antiulcer, hypoglycemic, wound healing, neuroprotective, antidiabetic, and so on. This study aims to provide a collection of publications on the species of Atraphaxis , along with a critical review of the literature data. This review will constitute support for further investigations on the pharmacological activity of these medicinal plant species.