Genetic Predictors of Ibrutinib-Related Cardiovascular Side Effects in Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.
Issam S HamadehJai Narendra PatelRyan JacobsHang ZengJiaxian HeBei HuTamara Kay MoyoAmy SoniSteven I ParkEd CopelanBelinda AvalosAlicia HamiltonNury SteuerwaldNilanjan GhoshPublished in: Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research (2023)
Our findings suggest possible genetic determinants of ibrutinib-related CVSEs in CLL. If replicated in a larger study, pre-treatment pharmacogenetic testing for GATA4 and KCNQ1 polymorphisms may be a useful clinical tool for personalizing treatment selection for CLL and/or instituting early risk-mitigation strategies.