Reciprocal transplants support a plasticity-first scenario during colonisation of a large hyposaline basin by a marine macro alga.
Daniel JohanssonRicardo T PereyraMarina RafajlovićKerstin JohannessonPublished in: BMC ecology (2017)
Marine individuals of F. vesiculosus are highly plastic with respect to salinity and North Sea populations can survive the extreme hyposaline conditions of the Baltic Sea without selective mortality. Plasticity alone would thus allow for an initial establishment of this species inside the postglacial Baltic Sea at salinities where reproduction remains functional. Since establishment, the Baltic Sea populations have evolved adaptations to extreme hyposaline waters and have in addition evolved asexual recruitment that, however, tends to impede local adaptation. Overall, our results support the "plasticity-first" model for the initial colonisation of the Baltic Sea by Fucus vesiculosus.