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Geographic Variation in Disease Burden and Mismatch in Care of Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis in the United States.

Sharon DowellHuifeng YunJeffrey R CurtisLang ChenFenglong XieManuela Pedra-NobreDianne WollastonSawsan NajmeyCynthia Lawrence ElliottTheresa Lawrence FordHeather NorthRobin DoreSoha DolatabadiThaila RamanujamStacy KennedyStephanie OttIlona JileaevaAmina RichardsonJeffrey KaineGrace WrightGail S Kerr
Published in: ACR open rheumatology (2023)
A disproportionately large portion of socially deprived, high comorbidity, and Medicaid-covered patients with RA were cared for by a minority of rheumatology practices. Studies are needed in high-deprivation areas to establish more equitable distribution of specialty care for patients with RA.