Single Low-Dose Nanovaccine for Long-Term Protection against Anthrax Toxins.

Maya HolayNishta KrishnanJiarong ZhouYaou DuanZhongyuan GuoWeiwei GaoRonnie H FangLiangfang Zhang
Published in: Nano letters (2022)
Anthrax infections caused by Bacillus anthracis are an ongoing bioterrorism and livestock threat worldwide. Current approaches for management, including extended passive antibody transfusion, antibiotics, and prophylactic vaccination, are often cumbersome and associated with low patient compliance. Here, we report on the development of an adjuvanted nanotoxoid vaccine based on macrophage membrane-coated nanoparticles bound with anthrax toxins. This design leverages the natural binding interaction of protective antigen, a key anthrax toxin, with macrophages. In a murine model, a single low-dose vaccination with the nanotoxoids generates long-lasting immunity that protects against subsequent challenge with anthrax toxins. Overall, this work provides a new approach to address the ongoing threat of anthrax outbreaks and bioterrorism by taking advantage of an emerging biomimetic nanotechnology.