Substance Use and Relationship Functioning Among Young Male Couples.
Madison Shea SmithMichael E NewcombPublished in: Archives of sexual behavior (2023)
Research shows that, for different sex couples, individual levels of substance use are deleterious for relationship quality (e.g., satisfaction, intimate partner aggression), whereas dyadic concordance is usually protective. However, there has been no research on these effects among male couples, even though they show increased risk for substance use and certain indices of relationship distress (e.g., intimate partner aggression) compared to different sex couples. Male partners also display distinct similarity patterns and norms surrounding substance use, suggesting that there might be unique effects of substance use on relationship quality among this population. We conducted actor-partner interdependence models of substance use on relationship quality (intimate partner aggression, satisfaction) among a large sample of male dyads (N = 934 individuals, N = 467 dyads). Results suggested that there are novel actor, partner, and similarity effects that imply unique pathways to relationship well-being for male couples. These results are discussed in light of future clinical and empirical efforts. [NCT03186534 - 6/12/2017; NCT03284541 - 6/23/2017].