On the Topological Phase around Conical Intersections with Tamm-Dancoff Linear-Response Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory.
Jack T TaylorDavid J TozerBasile F E CurchodPublished in: The journal of physical chemistry. A (2024)
Regions of nuclear-configuration space away from the Franck-Condon geometry can prove problematic for some electronic structure methods, given the propensity of such regions to possess conical intersections, i.e., (highly connected) points of degeneracy between potential energy surfaces. With the likelihood (perhaps even inevitability) for nonadiabatic dynamics simulations to explore molecular geometries in close proximity to conical intersections, it is vital that the performance of electronic structure methods is routinely examined in this context. In a recent paper [Taylor, J. T. J. Chem. Phys. 2023, 159, 214115.], the ability of linear-response time-dependent density functional theory within the adiabatic approximation (AA LR-TDDFT) to provide a proper description of conical intersections, in terms of their topology and topography, was investigated, with particular attention paid to conical intersections between two excited electronic states. For the same prototypical molecules, protonated formaldimine and pyrazine, we herein consider whether AA LR-TDDFT can correctly reproduce the topological phase accumulated by the adiabatic electronic wave function upon traversing a closed path around an excited-to-excited state conical intersection despite not using the appropriate quadratic-response nonadiabatic coupling vectors. Equally, we probe the ability of the ground-to-excited state intersection ring exhibited by AA LR-TDDFT in protonated formaldimine to give rise to a similar topological phase in spite of its incorrect dimensionality.