Taxonomic Re-Evaluation and Genomic Comparison of Novel Extracellular Electron Uptake-Capable Rhodovulum   visakhapatnamense and Rhodovulum sulfidophilum Isolates.
Emily J DavenportArpita BosePublished in: Microorganisms (2022)
Rhodovulum spp. are anoxygenic phototrophic purple bacteria with versatile metabolisms, including the ability to obtain electrons from minerals in their environment to drive photosynthesis, a relatively novel process called phototrophic extracellular electron uptake (pEEU). A total of 15 strains of Rhodovulum sulfidophilum were isolated from a marine estuary to observe these metabolisms in marine phototrophs. One representative strain, Rhodovulum sulfidophilum strain AB26, can perform phototrophic iron oxidation (photoferrotrophy) and couples carbon dioxide fixation to pEEU. Here, we reclassify two R. sulfidophilum isolates, strainAB26 and strain AB19, as Rhodovulum visakhapatnamense using taxonomic re-evaluation based on 16S and pufM phylogenetic analyses. The strain AB26 genome consists of 4,380,746 base-pairs, including two plasmids, and encodes 4296 predicted protein-coding genes. Strain AB26 contains 22 histidine kinases, 20 response regulators, and dedicates ~16% of its genome to transport. Transcriptomic data under aerobic, photoheterotrophy, photoautotrophy, and pEEU reveals how gene expression varies between metabolisms in a novel R. visakhapatnamense strain. Genome comparison led by transcriptomic data under pEEU reveals potential pEEU-relevant genes both unique to R. visakhapatnamense strains and shared within the R. sulfidophilum genomes. With these data we identify potential pEEU-important transcripts and how speciation may affect molecular mechanisms of pEEU in Rhodovulum species from the same environment.