Application of Grey-Based SWARA and COPRAS Techniques in Disease Mortality Risk Assessment.
Shazia RehmanNadia RehmanMehvish NazAyesha MumtazJianglin ZhangPublished in: Journal of healthcare engineering (2021)
The health industry is amongst the most affected systems in terms of multiobjective decision-making, rendering the final solution, vulnerable to errors; however, multicriteria decision analysis (MDCA) emerges as a supportive tool for the process of decision-making. Therefore, the present study seeks to offer an MCDA framework for assessing and identifying the potential influence of socioeconomic risk factors on noncommunicable disease mortality. We adopted a subjective approach of grey-based Step-wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) and COmplex PRoportional Assessment (COPRAS) approach to calculate weights of parameters and criteria, respectively, and then rank them based on their degree of significance. The findings reveal that CRD mortality is potentially affected by the selected socioeconomic risk variables followed by IHD and cancer. Implementing MCDA techniques in the present study will assist the public health practitioners and policymakers in drawing decisions on the best strategy to reduce CRD mortality, which contributes significantly to raising overall mortality.