Management of traumatic incomplete lacerating rectus muscle injuries using multimodal imaging approach (ASOCT and CT/MRI).
Amar PujariAishwarya RathodB MounicaSudarshan KhokharPublished in: Strabismus (2024)
Purpose : To describe the pathophysiology, importance of multimodal imaging approach, and the clinical outcomes of incomplete lacerating rectus muscle injuries. Methods : A retrospective review was conducted to identify patients with ocular deviation secondary to rectus muscle injuries. Between 2019 and 2022, a total of 30 patients were identified, amongst whom eleven patients had incompletely lacerated rectus muscles (secondary to penetrating adnexal trauma and sino-orbital surgeries). Patients' demography, nature of injury, computed tomography/magnetic resonance imaging, anterior segment optical coherence tomography features, intra-operative findings, and post-operative outcomes were reviewed. Results : The mean age of 11 patients was 31.36 ± 14.38 years. All patients had external trauma which severed the muscle in its anterior portion. Five patients had isolated inferior rectus muscle injury (45.45%), three had inferior and medial rectus muscle injuries together (27.27%), two had isolated lateral rectus muscle injury (18.18%), and one remaining patient had isolated medial rectus muscle injury (9.05%). In ten patients (90.90%) CT/MRI revealed features suggestive of muscle injury, however details with respect to muscle insertion and scleral course were lacking. In this difficult scenario, ASOCT filled these lacunae in nearly 90% of the patients by providing surgically useful details. Moreover, when CT/MRI-ASOCT imaging features were combined, the management and outcomes were even more predictable. Conclusions : Penetrating rectus muscle injuries can be better identified as incompletely lacerated muscle using multimodal imaging approach. This simple image correlation process customizes the treatment approach and hence the clinical outcomes.