The incidence of complex articular fractures of the distal humeral in adults has increased and will be growing in the future due to the greater incidence of high energy trauma and to the higher percentage of elderly population. Successful treatment is challenging for the needed balance between a stability of often comminuted fracture and early motion. Nonunion is a common complication after distal humerus fractures that is influenced by a variety of factors such as biology, in particular the blood supply of the metaphysis, the non-anatomical reduction of the fracture, the methods of fixation, and mechanical failure. These can involve the intra-articular or extra-articular areas. Clinical presentation may be mainly with a flail elbow in extra-articular nonunion or mainly with disfunction and stiffness for an intra-articular nonunion. However, the symptoms will depend on the degree of articular surfaces damage and the main localization of nonunion in the intra- and extra-articular region. The surgical treatment is usually required, being the non-operative treatment with a brace a reasonable option just for low-demand patients and with a high risk of complications. Despite a limited range of motion regained, the union rate achieved with internal fixation and bone grafting is substantially high.