Can smaller predators expand their prey base through killing juveniles? The influence of prey demography and season on prey selection for cheetahs and lions.
Eleesha AnnearLiaan MinnieKaeleah AndrewGraham Ian Holme KerleyPublished in: Oecologia (2023)
Smaller predators may overcome body size restrictions on their prey base by selecting for juveniles of larger prey species. However, traditional prey selection models ignore demographic classes within prey species. We refined these models for two predators with contrasting body sizes and hunting strategies, by including seasonal consumption and availability of prey demographic classes. We predicted that cheetahs would select for smaller neonate and juvenile prey especially of larger species, while lions would select for larger, adult prey. We further predicted seasonal diet shifts in cheetah, but not lion. We recorded species-specific demographic class prey use (kills) via direct observation and GPS cluster of cheetahs and lions fitted with GPS collars. Species-specific demographic class prey availability was estimated from monthly driven transects, and species-specific demographic class prey preferences were estimated. The availability of prey demographic classes varied seasonally. Cheetahs preferred neonates, juveniles, and sub-adults during the wet season, but adults and juveniles during the dry season. Lions preferred adult prey irrespective of season, with sub-adults, juveniles, and neonates killed relative to their abundance. This confirms that traditional prey preference models do not adequately account for demographic-specific prey preference. This is particularly important for smaller predators, like cheetahs, that focus on smaller prey but can expand their prey base by killing juveniles of larger species. For these smaller predators, prey availability will vary strongly seasonally, making them more vulnerable to processes that influence prey reproduction, like global change.