The positional preference of an animal can be very informative regarding the choices it makes about how to interact with its environment. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has been used as a robust system for examining neurobiological mechanisms underlying behavior. Fruit fly positional preference can be gathered from TriKinetics Drosophila activity monitors (DAMs), which contain four infrared beams, allowing for tracking the position of individual flies along the length of a tube. Here, we describe a method for using DAM5Ms to examine food preference. Specifically, we show an example in which circadian changes in food preference are compared between different Drosophila species. More information about the evolution of behavior can be gathered by measuring feeding preference relative to time of day. Noni, fruit from Morinda citrifolia , contains octanoic acid, a chemical toxic to many species of Drosophila D. melanogaster and D. simulans , both food generalists, show high sensitivity to octanoic acid, whereas D. sechellia , a specialist, can tolerate high concentrations. When two different food substrates are provided at each end of a tube, food preference can be inferred at various times of the day, using the sleep and circadian analysis MATLAB program (SCAMP) to extract and analyze positional data from DAM5Ms. Data gathered from these analyses can be used to compare avoidance or attraction to nutrients, tastants, or odors between species and genotypes or after specific different treatments. Additionally, such data can be examined as a function of time of day.