Proximal Scaphoid Reconstruction Techniques Comparison of Three Techniques for Proximal Scaphoid Recontruction.
Joseph A GilMarion BurnierAlexander HookeBassem ElhassanSanjeev KakarPublished in: Journal of wrist surgery (2024)
Introduction The costo-osteochondral autograft, vascularized medial femoral trochlear osteochondral autograft, and proximal hamate autograft have been used for the reconstruction of unsalvageable proximal pole scaphoid nonunions. Our hypothesis is that there is no difference in carpal kinematics after the proximal pole of the scaphoid is reconstructed with these three graft options. Methods Wireless sensors were mounted to the carpus that was loaded through cyclical motion. Each specimen was tested under a series of the three reconstructed conditions and their kinematics compared. Results No significant differences were found in scapholunate and lunocapitate joint motion during wrist flexion-extension and wrist radioulnar deviation between the three reconstructed conditions ( p > 0.05). Discussion and Conclusion There are minimal differences in carpal kinematics when comparing reconstruction of the proximal pole of the scaphoid with the costoosteochondral, medial femoral trochlear, and proximal hamate grafts.