Does the type of sport practised influence foot posture and knee angle? Differences between footballers and swimmers.
Eva Lopezosa-RecaGabriel Gijón-NoguerónIrene Garcia-PayaAna Belen Ortega-AvilaPublished in: Research in sports medicine (Print) (2018)
This aim of this study is to observe the differences in foot posture and the angle of the knee according to different physical activities. Seventy-eight football players and 72 swimmers were recruited, and in each case a foot posture analysis, based on the foot posture index (FPI), was conducted and the Q angle of the knee was determined. The following mean values were obtained for the lower extremities: in the swimmers, FPI 6.45 ± 2.04 and Q angle 15.38º ± 3.79º. In the footballers, FPI 2.23 ± 1.72 and Q angle 13.16º ± 1.36º. There were statistically significant differences (p < 0.001) between the two groups. The swimmers presented a foot posture with a tendency towards pronation, and a Q angle with a tendency towards valgus, while the results for the footballers were within the normal range.