Positive density-dependent growth supports costs sharing hypothesis and population density sensing in a manipulative parasite.
Mikhail GopkoVictor N MikheevJouni TaskinenPublished in: Parasitology (2017)
Parasites manipulate their hosts' phenotype to increase their own fitness. Like any evolutionary adaptation, parasitic manipulations should be costly. Though it is difficult to measure costs of the manipulation directly, they can be evaluated using an indirect approach. For instance, theory suggests that as the parasite infrapopulation grows, the investment of individual parasites in host manipulation decreases, because of cost sharing. Another assumption is that in environments where manipulation does not pay off for the parasite, it can decrease its investment in the manipulation to save resources. We experimentally infected rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss with the immature larvae of the trematode Diplostomum pseudospathaceum, to test these assumptions. Immature D. pseudospathaceum metacercariae are known for their ability to manipulate the behaviour of their host enhancing its anti-predator defenses to avoid concomitant predation. We found that the growth rate of individual parasites in rainbow trout increased with the infrapopulation size (positive density-dependence) suggesting cost sharing. Moreover, parasites adjusted their growth to the intensity of infection within the eye lens where they were localized suggesting population density sensing. Results of this study support the hypothesis that macroparasites can adjust their growth rate and manipulation investment according to cost sharing level and infrapopulation size.