Forensic entomology in research and practice: an overview of forensic experts' perceptions and scientific output in Brazil.
Stephanie Evelyn França GuimarãesGabriela Streppel SteindorffCarla de Lima BichoRodrigo Cesar Azevedo Pereira FariasSimão Dias VasconcelosPublished in: International journal of legal medicine (2022)
Given the growing demands for standardization of procedures for collection, preservation, and identification of insect specimens, this study aimed to identify how forensic entomology is used in Brazil and the perceptions of professionals involved in this process. We conducted: (1) bibliometric survey of the scientific production of forensic specialists from 2001 to 2020; (2) questionnaire applied to forensic professionals to verify their perceptions about the use of entomological evidence in practice. An increase in publications on Forensic Entomology was noticed in the last 5 years, mainly in the South and Northeast regions. Of the 82 respondents to the questionnaire, 62.8% deal with cadavers at least once a week, but 89.0% of the professionals who examine cadavers weekly find less than 10.0% colonized by insect larvae. Using entomological evidence to estimate PMI was mentioned by only 36.6% of the professionals. Most respondents stated no procedures related to collecting, handling, or identifying necrophagous insects in their daily practice. Regarding the chain of custody, 64.6% said they were aware of the changes in the regulations involving the collection and maintenance of forensic evidence. We emphasize the importance of collaboration between scientists at universities and crime scene examiners. Although the use of entomological evidence in criminal investigations in Brazil is still scarce, a growing interest in this area can be detected among forensic experts.