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Effect of Countermovement Depth on the Neuromechanics of a Vertical Jump.

Malachy P McHughJosef Alexander CohenKarl F OrishimoIan J Kremenic
Published in: Translational sports medicine (2024)
The purpose of this study was to examine kinematic, kinetic, and muscle activation metrics during countermovement jumps (CMJs) with varying countermovement depths. The hypothesis was that a shallow countermovement depth would compromise jump height by disrupting neuromechanical control. Ten healthy men (age 26 ± 8 yr, height 1.81 ± 0.08 m, mass 83.5 ± 9.0 kg) performed maximal CMJs at self-selected countermovement depth (self-selected CMJ), at reduced countermovement depth (shallow CMJ), and at increased countermovement depth (deep CMJ). Three jumps were performed in each condition on force plates with ankle, knee, and hip motion recorded and electromyograms (EMG) recorded from the gluteus maximus (GM), vastus lateralis (VL), and medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscles. During CMJs, the knee flexion angle was recorded with an electrogoniometer. Jumpers were instructed to flex at least 15% less (shallow CMJ) and at least 15% more (deep CMJ) than the self-selected CMJs. Kinematic, kinetic, and EMG metrics were compared between the different CMJ depths using repeated measures ANOVA. Compared with self-selected CMJs, shallow CMJs had 26% less countermovement depth ( P < 0.001, effect size 1.74) and the deep CMJs had 28% greater countermovement depth ( P < 0.001, effect size 1.56). Jump height was 8% less for the shallow vs. self-selected CMJs ( P = 0.007, effect size 1.09) but not different between self-selected and deep CMJs ( P = 0.254). Shallow CMJs differed from self-selected CMJs at the initiation of the countermovement (unweighting). For self-selected CMJs, force dropped to 43% of body weight during unweighting but only to 58% for shallow CMJs ( P = 0.015, effect size 0.95). During unweighting, VL EMG averaged 5.5% of MVC during self-selected CMJs versus 8.1% for shallow CMJs ( P = 0.014, effect size 0.97). Percent decline in jump height with shallow versus self-selected CMJs was correlated with the difference in VL EMG during unweighting between shallow and self-selected CMJs ( r  = 0.651, P = 0.041). A deep countermovement prolonged the time to execute the jump by 38% ( P < 0.010, effect size 1.04) but did not impair CMJ force metrics. In conclusion, self-selected countermovement depth represents a tradeoff between dropping the center of mass sufficiently far and executing the jump quickly. Unweighting at the initiation of a CMJ appears to be a critical element in the neuromechanics of the CMJ.
  • optical coherence tomography
  • body mass index
  • body weight
  • total knee arthroplasty
  • skeletal muscle
  • high density
  • mass spectrometry
  • upper limb