Predicting the Growth of F. proliferatum and F. culmorum and the Growth of Mycotoxin Using Machine Learning Approach.
R SrinivasanT LalithaN C BrinthaT N Sterlin MinishSami Al ObaidSulaiman Ali AlharbiS R SundaramJenifer MahilrajPublished in: BioMed research international (2022)
In distinct parts of the food web, Fusarium culmorum and Fusarium preserving the relationship can germinate and grow zearalenone (ZEA) and fumonisins (FUM), accordingly. Antimicrobial drugs used to combat these fungi and toxic metabolites raise the risk of hazardous residue in food products, as well as the development of fungus tolerance. For modeling fungal growth and pathogenicity under separate water action ( a q ) (0.96 and 0.99) and surface temp (20 and 28°C) tyrannies, several machine learning (ML) methodologies (artificial neural, regression trees, and extreme rise enhanced trees) and multiple regression model (MLR) were used also especially in comparison. GR and mycotoxin levels inside the environment often reduced as EOC concentrations grew, although some treatment in association with specific a q and temperature values caused ZEA production. In terms of predicting the growth rate of F. culmorum and F. maintaining the relationship and the production of ZEA and FUM, random forest techniques outperformed neural network models and extreme gradient boosted trees. The MLR option was the most inefficient. It is the first research to look at the ML potential of bio EVOH products containing EOCs and ambient variables of F. culmorum and F. proliferatum development, as well as the generation of zearalenone and fumonisins. The findings show that these entire novel wrapping technologies, in tandem using machine learning techniques, could be useful in predicting and controlling the dangers connected with fungal species or biotoxins in foodstuff.