Improved sensory properties of a nanostructured ritonavir suspension with a pediatric administration perspective.
Germano PrebiancaMorgana Souza MarquesMariana Domingues BianchinRenata Vidor ContriMarilene Henning VainsteinPublished in: Pharmaceutical development and technology (2020)
The pediatric adherence to antiretroviral therapy is critical to therapeutic success. Ritonavir, a protease inhibitor drug, is commercially available as an oral solution containing a high amount of ethanol and propylene glycol, contraindicated in children younger than 4 years. Moreover, this medicine presents a bitter taste, which is limiting for the adherence to treatment. This study aims to develop ritonavir nanoparticles followed by polymeric coating for sensory characteristics improvement. The nanoparticles were coated with Eudragit® L 100-55 and characterized. A human sensory panel evaluated the proposed formulations regarding its bitter taste. The formulation showed nanotechnological features, with 130 and 134 nm for ritonavir nanoparticles and ritonavir coated nanoparticles, respectively. The pH, zeta potential, drug content and encapsulation efficiency results were suitable for oral administration. The coated nanoparticles were capable of decreasing the drug bitter taste as shown in the sensory analysis. The ritonavir incorporation in nanoparticles, followed by polymer coating can be a reasonable strategy to obtain alcohol free taste-masked medicines, which are promising for pediatric therapy.