Test-Retest Reliability and Reliable Change on the NIH Toolbox Cognition Battery.

Justin E KarrEric O IngramCristina N PinheiroSheliza AliGrant L Iverson
Published in: Archives of clinical neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists (2024)
It was common for participants to show reliable change on at least one test score, but not two or more test scores. Per an 80% CI, test-retest difference scores beyond these cutoffs would indicate reliable change: Dimensional Change Card Sort (SS ≥ 14/T ≥ 10), Flanker (SS ≥ 12/T ≥ 8), List Sorting (SS ≥ 14/T ≥ 10), Picture Sequence Memory (SS ≥ 19/T ≥ 13), Pattern Comparison (SS ≥ 11/T ≥ 8), and Fluid Cognition Composite (SS ≥ 10/T ≥ 7). The reliable change cutoffs could be applied in research or practice to detect within-person change in fluid cognition at the individual level.