Exploring the experience of service users following attendance at a student-led interprofessional neurodevelopmental clinic.
Khari Nicola GaravelisNicole HayesTanya A RoseMaree MaloneyKaren LiddleKaren MoritzMatthew J GulloHannah L GulloRebeccah McMahHelen HeusslerNatasha ReidPublished in: Disability and rehabilitation (2023)
The current study demonstrated that service users reported benefits from tailored services delivered by student practitioners that were validating, supportive, and holistic. Findings from the current study can inform the development and implementation of future innovative service delivery models for individuals with suspected or confirmed prenatal alcohol exposure.IMPLICATIONS FOR REHABILITATIONPeople with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) can experience a range of neurocognitive impairments that impact their day-to-day living.Access to assessment, early diagnosis, and appropriate supports are important protective factors associated with improved outcomes for individuals with FASD.Results highlighted the benefits to rehabilitation professionals of listening to service users to understand the complexity of their lived experiences, including how this information can be used to improve service design and delivery.Results also highlighted the potential role of incorporating student-led clinics within models of healthcare and rehabilitation service delivery.Utilising student-led clinics can help to increase access to specialised services for underserved groups in our community, combat shortages in the health workforce, reduce burden on the public health system, and educate the future of rehabilitation professionals.