Electronic Distribution of S N 2 IRC and TS Structures: Infrared Intensities of Imaginary Frequencies.
Leonardo J DuarteRoy Edward BrunsPublished in: Journal of chemical theory and computation (2022)
A novel IRC-TS-CCTDP method to investigate transition states (TS) is proposed in which changes in the molecular geometry follow atomic displacements corresponding to the imaginary frequency normal coordinate. Electronic charge structure changes can be analyzed using the charge-charge-transfer-dipolar polarization (CCTDP) model. An application is presented for the gas-phase S N 2 reaction transition state structures for nine NuCX 3 LG - systems, with Nu and LG = H, F, Cl and X = H, F. Using quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) at the QCISD/aug-cc-pVTZ level, atomic charges and atomic dipoles were obtained and applied to calculate the CCTDP contributions to their imaginary normal mode intensities. The results show that the imaginary bands are exceptionally strong, ranging from 1217 to 16 086 km·mol -1 , much higher than the stretching intensities found in the methyl halides (that are all less than 100 km·mol -1 ). For all systems, the CT contributions are responsible for 63% of the total dipole moment derivatives. The charge contributions are slightly higher for transition states where X = F. Dipolar polarization contributions are always small and only reflect the molecular orientation change when the nucleophile displaces the leaving group and, therefore, can be neglected. The same occurs for contributions from the X atoms. Only atoms aligned with the reaction axis Nu - -C-LG contribute to the total intensity. Almost all of the infrared intensities are determined by electron transfers from the nucleophile to carbon and subsequently from carbon to the leaving group. The mechanism of charge transfer revealed by the CCTDP model is consistent with the well-accepted reaction mechanism. Open-access codes for performing the IRC-TS-CCTDP analysis are described and provided for potential users in the Supporting Information.