Mechanisms of gut epithelial barrier impairment caused by food emulsifiers polysorbate 20 and polysorbate 80.
İsmail ÖğülürDuygu YaziciYagiz PatElif Naz BingölHuseyn BabayevSena ArdicliAnja HeiderBeate RückertVanitha SampathRaja DhirMübeccel AkdişKari Christine NadeauMübeccel AkdisPublished in: Allergy (2023)
The present study provides direct evidence on the detrimental effects of food emulsifiers P20 and P80 on intestinal epithelial integrity. The underlying mechanism of epithelial barrier disruption was cell death at concentrations between 1% and 0.1%. Even at concentrations lower than 0.1%, these polysorbates induced a proinflammatory response suggesting a detrimental effect on gastrointestinal health.