Urban lakes commonly suffer from nutrient over-enrichment, resulting in water quality deterioration and eutrophication. Constructed wetlands are widely employed for ecological restoration in such lakes but their efficacy in water purification noticeably fluctuates with the seasons. This study takes the constructed wetland of Jinshan Lake as an example. By analyzing the water quality parameters at three depths during both summer and winter, this study explores the influence of the constructed wetland on the water quality of each layer during different seasons and elucidates the potential mechanisms underlying these seasonal effects. The results indicate that the constructed wetland significantly enhances total nitrogen (TN) concentration during summer and exhibits the capacity for nitrate-nitrogen removal in winter. However, its efficacy in removing total phosphorus (TP) is limited, and may even serve as a potential phosphorus (P) source for the lake during winter. Water quality test results of different samples indicated they belong to Class III or IV. Restrictive factors varied across seasons: nitrate-nitrogen and BOD 5 jointly affected water quality in winter, whereas TP predominantly constrained water quality in summer. These results could provide a reference for water quality monitoring and management strategies of constructed wetlands in different seasons in Jiangsu Province.