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Methods to adjust for multiple comparisons in the analysis and sample size calculation of randomised controlled trials with multiple primary outcomes.

Victoria VickerstaffRumana Z OmarGareth Ambler
Published in: BMC medical research methodology (2019)
The Bonferroni and Holm methods provide the same disjunctive power. The Hochberg and Hommel methods provide power gains for the analysis, albeit small, in comparison to the Bonferroni method. The Stepdown-minP procedure performs well for complete data. However, it removes participants with missing values prior to the analysis resulting in a loss of power when there are missing data. The sample size requirement to achieve the desired disjunctive power may be smaller than that required to achieve the desired marginal power. The choice between whether to specify a disjunctive or marginal power should depend on the clincial objective.
  • electronic health record
  • type diabetes
  • minimally invasive
  • metabolic syndrome
  • adipose tissue
  • machine learning
  • skeletal muscle
  • data analysis