Intelligibility in Down syndrome: Effect of measurement method and listener experience.
Deirdre O'LearyAlice LeeCiara O'TooleFiona GibbonPublished in: International journal of language & communication disorders (2021)
Listeners, both experienced and naïve, may udge speech in DS differently when using orthographic transcription versus VAS as the method of measurement. In addition, experienced listeners can judge speech intelligibility differently compared with listeners who are less exposed to unclear speech, which may not represent 'real-world' functional communicative ability. Speech and language therapists should be aware of the effect of these factors when measuring intelligibility scores and direct comparison of scores obtained using different procedures and by different groups of listeners is not recommended. What this paper adds What is already known on the subject Previous research on other clinical groups (e.g., Parkinson's disease) has shown that speech intelligibility scores can vary across different measurement methods and when judged by listeners with different experience. However, these factors have not yet been investigated in people with DS. What this paper adds to existing knowledge Similar to the findings reported for other clinical groups, using an impressionistic measurement method, such as VAS, can result in different speech intelligibility scores compared with scores obtained from orthographic transcription in speakers with DS. Furthermore, experienced listeners can perceive intelligibility as better compared with naïve (untrained) listeners for this group. What are the potential or actual clinical implications of this work? When measuring speech intelligibility, speech and language therapists should be aware that scores obtained using orthographic transcription can be higher than those obtained using VAS. They should also be aware that their increased exposure to hearing atypical speech may cause them to judge the speech difficulty as less severe and lead to an inaccurate representation of speech performance. Speech and language therapists should consider these factors when interpreting assessment results and especially when using intelligibility measures for treatment outcomes.