Xanthine oxidase inhibitors, including allopurinol and febuxostat, are the first-line treatment of hyperuricemia. This meta-analysis investigated the association between urate-lowering therapy and all-cause mortality in different chronic diseases to match its users and non-users in a real-world setting. Overall, 11 studies were included, which reported adjusted hazard ratios for all-cause mortality over at least 12 months. Meta-analysis of all included studies showed no effect of the therapy on all-cause mortality. However, subgroup analyses showed its beneficial effect in patients with chronic kidney disease (14% risk reduction) and hyperuricemia (14% risk reduction), but not in patients with heart failure (28% risk increase). Urate-lowering therapy reduces all-cause mortality among patients with hyperuricemia and chronic kidney disease, but it seems to increase mortality in patients with heart failure and should be avoided in this subgroup.