The Significance of Hypothiocyanite Production via the Pendrin/DUOX/Peroxidase Pathway in the Pathogenesis of Asthma.
Kenji IzuharaShoichi SuzukiMasahiro OgawaSatoshi NunomuraYasuhiro NanriYasutaka MitamuraTomohito YoshiharaPublished in: Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity (2017)
Inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs) are used as first-line drugs for asthma, and various novel antiasthma drugs targeting type 2 immune mediators are now under development. However, molecularly targeted drugs are expensive, creating an economic burden on patients. We and others previously found pendrin/SLC26A4 as a downstream molecule of IL-13, a signature type 2 cytokine critical for asthma, and showed its significance in the pathogenesis of asthma using model mice. However, the molecular mechanism of how pendrin causes airway inflammation remained elusive. We have recently demonstrated that hypothiocyanite (OSCN-) produced by the pendrin/DUOX/peroxidase pathway has the potential to cause airway inflammation. Pendrin transports thiocyanate (SCN-) into pulmonary lumens at the apical side. Peroxidases catalyze SCN- and H2O2 generated by DUOX into OSCN-. Low doses of OSCN- activate NF-κB in airway epithelial cells, whereas OSCN- in high doses causes necrosis of the cells, inducing the release of IL-33 and accelerating inflammation. OSCN- production is augmented in asthma model mice and possibly in some asthma patients. Heme peroxidase inhibitors, widely used as antithyroid agents, diminish asthma-like phenotypes in mice, indicating the significance of this pathway. These findings suggest the possibility of repositioning antithyroid agents as antiasthma drugs.