The present study aimed to develop a precise and reliable measure of unsuccessful disengagement among older adults, defined as involuntary withdrawal from societal roles and norms due to familial or societal pressure, resulting in the transfer of responsibilities to the younger generation. High scores on the Unsuccessful Disengagement Aging Scale (UDAS) were indicative of a greater degree of unsuccessful disengagement. The study was conducted in two parts: Study I involved a purposive sample of 200 participants, whereas Study II involved a purposive sample of 500 occupationally retired older adults aged between 65 and 85 years. The constructs of the study were measured using the UDAS, Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale, and Identity and Experiences Scale. In Study I, the UDAS was subjected to an Exploratory Factor Analysis, which revealed a clear four-factor solution with high factor loadings and internally consistent factors. This factor structure was confirmed through Confirmatory Factor Analysis in Study II. Construct validity was established through the UDAS's significant positive correlation with depression and non-significant correlation with assimilation identity style. Furthermore, the mean UDAS score of older adults suffering from chronic physical ailments such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiac problems, hepatitis, ulcers, liver problems, arthritis, and joint pain was significantly higher than that of healthy older adults, indicating the concurrent validity of the UDAS in distinguishing between ill and healthy older adults. Overall, the results indicated that the UDAS was a reliable and valid instrument for measuring unsuccessful disengagement in older adults.