One-year follow-up of depression, anxiety, and quality of life of Peruvian patients who survived COVID-19.

Jeff Huarcaya-VictoriaChristoper A Alarcon-RuizWilliam Barzola-FarfánClaudia Cruzalegui-BazánMichaell Cabrejos-EspinozaGabriela Aspilcueta-MontoyaFeleydi Cornero-QuispeJavier Salazar-BellidoBeltrán Villarreal
Published in: Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation (2022)
One year after COVID-19 hospitalization discharge, patients had low HRQoL, and their depression symptoms increased. These findings acknowledge the need to provide services that adequately address mental health sequels and HRQoL to reduce the burden of the COVID-19.