Comparing novel small-angle X-ray scattering approaches for absolute size and number concentration measurements of spherical SiO2 particles to established methods.
Robin SchürmannAnikó GaálAneta SikoraDavid OjedaDorota BartczakHeidi Goenaga-InfanteVirpi KorpelainenBruno SauvetJerome DeumerZoltán VargaChristian GollwitzerPublished in: Nanotechnology (2024)
Biomedical analytical applications, as well as the industrial production of high-quality nano- and submicrometre
particles, require accurate methods to quantify the absolute number concentration of
particles. In this context, small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is a powerful tool to determine the
particle size and concentration traceable to the Système international d'unités (SI). Therefore,
absolute measurements of the scattering cross-section must be performed, which require precise
knowledge of all experimental parameters, such as the electron density of solvent and particles,
whereas the latter is often unknown. Within the present study, novel SAXS-based approaches to
determine the size distribution, density and number concentrations of sub-micron spherical silica
particles with narrow size distributions and mean diameterss between 160 nm and 430 nm are
presented. For the first-time traceable density and number concentration measurements of silica
particles are presented and current challenges in SAXS measurements such as beam-smearing,
poorly known electron densities and moderately polydisperse samples are addressed. In addition,
and for comparison purpose, atomic force microscopy has been used for traceable measurements of
the size distribution and single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with the
dynamic mass flow approach for the accurate quantification of the number concentrations of silica
particles. The possibilities and limitations of the current approaches are critically discussed in this