The introduction of His bundle electrography by Benjamin Scherlag (New York) in 1969, together with programmed stimulation of the heart by Philip Coumel (Paris) in 1967, and Hein Wellens (Amsterdam) in 1972, were decisive turning points on the way to invasive electrophysiology and the development of an independent, now distinctly interventional subspecialty of cardiology. The main topic of the 1970s was bradycardic arrhythmias, promoted by pacemaker therapy, which had been introduced just over 10 years earlier. The recording of the potentials of the bundle of His and other recording locations in the atria and ventricles allowed a differentiated assessment of the excitation process and the refractory periods. High-rate atrial stimulation to determine sinus node recovery time and premature stimulation to determine sinoatrial conduction time were developed to analyze sinoatrial node function. This article describes the introduction of His bundle electrography in a gradually increasing number of centers in Germany and their scientific contribution.