The Relationship between Pre-Pandemic Interferon Gamma Release Assay Test Results and COVID-19 Infection: Potential Prognostic Value of Indeterminate IFN-γ Release Assay Results.
Şermin BörekciFatma Gülsüm KarakaşSerhat SirekbasanBahar KubatRidvan KaraaliGunay CanBekir Sami KocazeybekBilun GemiciogluPublished in: The Canadian journal of infectious diseases & medical microbiology = Journal canadien des maladies infectieuses et de la microbiologie medicale (2021)
The frequency of COVID-19 infection was increased in patients with indeterminate TBF test results. Indeterminate TBF test results may be a guide in terms of risk stratification in groups at risk for COVID-19.