Genetic structure of Kho population from north-western Pakistan based on mtDNA control region sequences.

Shahid AzizMehwish NawazSahib Gul AfridiAsifullah Khan
Published in: Genetica (2019)
The Kho population speaking Khowar language reside since long ago in Chitral District of North-western Pakistan. So far, no report is available about their genetic structure and relationship with surrounding population groups. We partially sequenced the mitochondrial DNA control region from 16 unrelated Kho male and female individuals of different ages. The D-Loop region sequences of Kho were aligned and compared with the revised Cambridge Reference Sequence (rCRS). The genetic data of Kho was compared with surrounding north-western Pakistani population groups including Pathan, Kashmiri, and Hazara. Comparison with rCRS identified overall 49 different haplotypes for Kho samples. Among these 21 haplotypes were shared by more than one Kho individuals. The genetic diversity and power of discrimination observed for Kho group were 0.215 and 0.202 respectively indicating the Kho tribe as a least differentiated group among north-western Pakistani populations. The haplogroup mapping, phylogenetic and haplotype network analysis revealed the nearby maternal ancestral relationship between Kho and Kashmiri populations. The haplogroups analysis demonstrates the western Eurasian ancestral origin of Kho samples. However, the appearance of a few South Asian haplogroups with low frequency speculate the Kho tribe as an admixed population of western Eurasian and South Asian genetic components.