Effective Pneumothorax Detection for Chest X-Ray Images Using Local Binary Pattern and Support Vector Machine.
Yuan-Hao ChanYong-Zhi ZengHsien-Chu WuMing-Chi WuHung-Min SunPublished in: Journal of healthcare engineering (2018)
Automatic image segmentation and feature analysis can assist doctors in the treatment and diagnosis of diseases more accurately. Automatic medical image segmentation is difficult due to the varying image quality among equipment. In this paper, the automatic method employed image multiscale intensity texture analysis and segmentation to solve this problem. In this paper, firstly, SVM is applied to identify common pneumothorax. Features are extracted from lung images with the LBP (local binary pattern). Then, classification of pneumothorax is determined by SVM. Secondly, the proposed automatic pneumothorax detection method is based on multiscale intensity texture segmentation by removing the background and noises in chest images for segmenting abnormal lung regions. The segmentation of abnormal regions is used for texture transformed from computing multiple overlapping blocks. The rib boundaries are identified with Sobel edge detection. Finally, in obtaining a complete disease region, the rib boundary is filled up and located between the abnormal regions.