Folsomia candida is a tiny soil-living arthropod belonging to the Collembola, which is an outgroup to Insecta. It resembles insects as having a pair of antennae and three pairs of thorax legs, while it also possesses three abdominal appendages: a ventral tube located in the first abdominal segment (A1), a retinaculum in A3, and a furca in A4. Collembolan Ubx and AbdA specify abdominal appendages, but they are unable to repress appendage marker gene Dll. The genetic basis of collembolan appendage formation and the mechanisms by which Ubx and AbdA regulate Dll transcription and appendage development remains unknown. In this study, we analysed the developmental transcriptomes of F. candida and identified candidate appendage formation genes, including Ubx (FcUbx). The expression data revealed the dominance of Dll over Ubx during the embryonic 3.5 and 4.5 days, suggesting that Ubx is deficient in suppressing Dll at early appendage formation stages. Furthermore, via electrophoretic mobility shift assays and dual luciferase assays, we found that the binding and repression capacity of FcUbx on Drosophila Dll resembles those of the longest isoform of Drosophila Ubx (DmUbx_Ib), while the regulatory mechanism of the C-terminus of FcUbx on Dll repression is similar to that of the crustacean Artemia franciscana Ubx (AfUbx), demonstrating that the function of collembolan Ubx is intermediate between that of Insecta and Crustacea. In summary, our study provides novel insights into collembolan appendage formation and sheds light on the functional evolution of Ubx. Additionally, we propose a model that collembolan Ubx regulates abdominal segments in a context-specific manner.