Navigating Uncertainty, Employment, and Women's Safety During COVID-19: Reflections of Sexual Assault Resistance Educators.

Margaret G Janse van RensburgHolly Smith
Published in: Gender, work, and organization (2020)
COVID-19 affects women in ways unique to the impacts of structural inequalities related to gender, sexuality, disability, race, and socioeconomic status. In this article, we reflect on our own experiences of the pandemic, as feminist students, workers, and sexual assault resistance educators located in a Canadian post-secondary setting. Situating ourselves within feminist responses to sexual violence prevention, as facilitators of the EAAA sexual assault resistance education program for university women, we reflect on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our work as EAAA facilitators in our Canadian university. We explore the theoretical possibilities that critical disability theory and queer theory present to the EAAA program, and argue that incorporating concepts from these frameworks will complement the goals of the EAAA program and improve inclusivity of queer, trans, and disabled participants. We conclude with a look into the future by anticipating the impacts of COVID-19 on our future work.